OctPlot - handle graphics for Octave


For missing 2D graphs use the feature-request page on sourceforge.

3D support will follow after the release 1.0.0. See for more infos the road map site.


To install OctPlot you need additionally some prerequests:

  1. Octave >= 2.1.50
  2. octave-forge >= 2004.07.07
  3. fltk >= 1.1.4
  4. freetype >= 9.0.3
  5. ghostscript if you want pdf, png and jpg hardcopy. Otherwise you are stuck with eps/ps only (not so bad IMHO)

For more instructions please read the files readme.xxxxx where xxxxxx is one of the above OSes. Be carefull with Cygwin, gcc-3.4 won't work.

for installing OctPlot go the way:

using the latest svn version

see here ...

Infos & tips to different Linux distributions

see here ...